     info [at] crossitoffyourlist.com
New York, NY 10016
NY • Hamptons •
and anywhere you need us


Cross It Off Your List is a team of move managers and organizing consultants whose first priority is to put your things in order, whether remaining in your present space or moving to a new one.  We’re continually gratified by the positive psychological and emotional benefits our clients receive.

Meet the Team:

“All of my friends remember how I would organize their closets and drawers during sleepovers when I was younger. When I told them that I had found my dream job – organizer – they knew immediately what it was! To this day, I am still their go-to source for organizing advice.”

Mariel Jasey

I’ve been compared to an Energizer Bunny more times than I can count. Working at Cross It Off Your List, I channel this energy seamlessly into accomplishing tasks from my ever-growing checklist. The feeling of witnessing the transformation of a move or reorganization project is nothing short of magical. An organized space has a profound effect on those who step into it, there’s an immediate sense of “ahhh.”

Aria Paxton
Client Services