Hamptons Magazine HIRED HELP Admit it: Behind closed door, your closet is a disaster. Maybe it doesn’t keep you awake nights, but imagine how much better you would feel if you could find the Manolos you want to wear now without tearing everything apart. Enter Linda Rothschild and personal organization service, Cross It Of Your List. Beyond… Read more…
The Independent Strictly Business By Mariah Quinn Cross It Off Your List Linda Rothschild, a personal organizer will now bring a little order to the East End. Rothschild and her team at Cross It Off Your List can organize everything from a messy closet to a major move. There is a full staff in the… Read more…
Hamptons.com Get Organized And… Cross It Off Your List!!! By Kelly Krieger Organization is the key to success. When our lives are cluttered and unorganized we tend to lose sleep and create unnecessary stress. A list a mile long can linger for weeks, days and sometimes even months. When is it time to make a… Read more…
W Magazine Cross It Off Your List 212-725-0122 These professional organizers will get rid of the clutter in your office – or in the kitchen. They’ll also pay the bills, do the shopping and even clean out closets. Another specialty; coordinating every aspect of your move to a new home.
PROFESSIONAL HELP Pick up dry cleaning, buy theater tickets, charter a yacht – these concierge and personal-assistant services will handle almost anything on your to-do list. Cross It Off Your List (212-725-0122; www.crossitoffyourlist.com). Linda Rothschild’s team of no-nonsense professional lackeys has been straightening out disorganized urbanites since 1990. What they’ll do: Cross It Off Your… Read more…
New York Post Impatient N.Y.ers pay professionals to stand in line By Reed Tucker New Yorkers are busy. Busy and impatient. We’re so busy and impatient, that more and more of us simply can’t wait. For anything. Waiting, it turns out, is one more thing you can pay people to do. Enter the for-hire personal… Read more…
Hired Hands Help Organizations GET ORGANIZED by Deborah Stadtler Professional organizing services have begun to find a place in the corporate relocation policy of some companies. Stadtler explains what the service entails and gives reasons why some companies have used the service as a perk for their high-level employees. The movers were late. When they… Read more…
Quest The Essentials of Manhattan Personal Organizers CROSS IT OFF YOUR LIST 212-725-0122 This company provides organizing, relocation, and concierge services for people who don’t have time to do everything. From your closets to your filing cabinets, they’ll organize your space so that it its your lifestyle. They also specialize in moving, and will help… Read more…
Garnett Suburban Newspapers THE CLUTTER CRISIS Professional organizers are ready to help clean up your mess It’s mid-April, and our New Year’s resolutions to clean up our desks, clear out our closets and bring some order into our lives are still just that – resolutions. But along come the professional organizer with ideas, solutions and… Read more…
Real Simple ORGANIZE There isn’t a woman in the world who hadn’t spent an inordinate among of time with her arm buried in her purse, searching blindly for something. The solution: utilizing the bag-within-the-bag method. “Containerize,” says Linda Rothschild, president of the National Association of Professional Organizers and owner of the New York City Company… Read more…
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